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Re: Contriversy
Posted By: Beasty, on host
Date: Friday, August 11, 2000, at 17:05:39
In Reply To: Contriversy posted by Jimmy Of York on Thursday, August 10, 2000, at 22:48:30:

> I just posted a BIG thread about lots of contriversies on my forum. Some of them we've talked about on here, and some I don't think we have. I thought maybe some of you might be interested. So far these are all the topics:
> Abortion

I'm male so I can't experience it first hand, but I would support the womens right to choose and support whatever decision was made.

> Assisted Suicide

Yes. My grandmother suffered terrible pain from Liver cancer before she died and I wish I could have helped her.

> Death Penalty


> Gun Control

We have it here in the UK. No handguns at all allowed in private hands. Longarms by licence only and then to be stored in padlocked steel boxes when not in use.

> God


> School Uniforms

No. I hated wearing a tie.

> School Security

Not an issue here really, but yes.

> Human Genome Project

On yes, as long as you don't want to grow another head or anything

> Extra Terrestrial Life

I reckon so. It would be a sad thing if we were all the intelligent life that exists.

> Plastic Surgery

For accident victims - good. You wanna look younger? Fine, waste your money and make that surgeon richer.

> Creation vs Evolution


> TV

Oh yes. If I can't get "The Bill", I get very cranky

> The Internet

Take it or leave it

> Jimmy O"Stealing Sam's posters!"f York

Well, that's what I think anyway.


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