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Re: Contriversy
Posted By: Pliffilif, on host
Date: Friday, August 11, 2000, at 14:35:44
In Reply To: Contriversy posted by Jimmy Of York on Thursday, August 10, 2000, at 22:48:30:

OK, I figure I'll run my fingers through the candle here.

> Abortion
Purely circumstancial but not completely out of the question.

> Assisted Suicide
Again, circumstancial, but the only reason this is so controversial is because of society's views on life.

> Death Penalty
Yes, but again, is not black and white due to society's views of life.

> Gun Control
I can't stand people who say "Guns don't kill people, people kill people". Consider scenario 1: Person A stands, with a gun to the head of Person B. Scenario 2: Same thing, except that Person A is holding a wet noodle. To sum up: You're halfway there. Replace "Control" with "Elimination" and you're there.

> God
Personally I don't believe in God, but, to others, religion can bring spiritual fulfillment so I will not argue against it.

> School Uniforms
Being a student, I'm going to stick out and say yes.

> School Security
It's sad that this even has to be an issue. Schools should be safe; ever tried to teach a frightened student?

> Human Genome Project
I don't see any problem with it. Applications of it are another story.

> Extra Terrestrial Life
Why not?

> Plastic Surgery
Depends on the motive.

> Creation vs Evolution
Like I said, my personal belief is evolution, but I won't argue to the death about it.

> TV
It's on right now. What can I say? =)

> The Internet
The concept is sound, but idiots like hackers, people who spread viruses and trojans, and 133t h@x0r5 ruin it for everyone.

Well, that's my two cents. (1 cent plus 100% tax.)
