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Re: "first movie to give us nightmares"
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Friday, August 11, 2000, at 09:41:46
In Reply To: Re: Least favorite movie posted by Darien on Thursday, August 10, 2000, at 22:40:55:

> > > I think my least favorite movie has to be The Care Bears Movie. That movie frightened me when I was young, confused me when I was a little older, and bores me now.
> >

> I'm with you on that one, Stephen. Or, if we're to use eric's criterion of "first movie to give us nightmares," I have to go with the Transformers movie. That movie scarred me for life. And I think this is the fourth or fifth time I've posted that on this forum. :-}

The first movie that gave me sleepless nights was the Michael Caine action-thriller "The Swarm". I went when I was eight and had nightmares about that giant bee one of the characters hallucinated about.

Several years later, I managed to catch the movie on cable. I sat there, amazed at how bad it was.

-Faux "I read the entire page I'm linking to. It's rather amusing." Pas

Link: The Swarm!

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