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Re: Fencing?
Posted By: Stephen, on host
Date: Thursday, August 10, 2000, at 11:37:29
In Reply To: Fencing? posted by Dave on Wednesday, August 9, 2000, at 19:12:08:

> Fencing?? Come on people, everyone knows Team Handball is way better than Fencing. Sheesh. I mean, they don't even use realy SWORDS, for crying out loud.
> -- Dave

The real shame is the fact that German Dodgeball (also known as Team Dodgeball, among other things) isn't listed. THAT is the best sport ever (except Thunderball of course, though I'm not suprised to see that neglected)... Not only is it fun to play, but Super Dodgeball on the NES is one of the most fun games ever.

Ste "Also, Rollerball would be cool to play too" phen