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Re: Faux
Posted By: Tranio, on host
Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2000, at 13:05:41
In Reply To: Faux posted by Jessica on Wednesday, August 9, 2000, at 12:30:08:

> We're getting some faux painting done in our (new) offices to day... one of the other girls here keeps calling it "faux-pas painting", which I think is pretty funny. Has anyone ever watched people do this? I think I'm going to quit my job and become a painter. It is a very cool and vert beautiful art form. Wow, go interior decorating!
> ~Jessica

Is that where you paint it to resemble marbling, granite, or other visual texture? I took a tech theater course many years back, in which we covered marbling and other simple textures. One technique called "scumbling" (I always thought that was funny: "Hey, you scumble!") involved simply rolling a rag of one color across a base of another. It made a nice effect.

On the topic of "faux", I was always amused at the idiocy of a certain t.v. commercial many years back. In the commercial, they advertised "Genuine Faux Pearls". Of course, I had just started taking French, which allowed me to easily understand that these con-men were trying to sell "genuine fake pearls". Most impressive. I almost feel sorry for the saps that thought they were buying some special variety of pearls that come from a Faux oyster from the Faux region, or some other such nonsense. Well, at least it wasn't *immitation* fake pearls, I guess.

Tra "Buy now, and get the bonus tennis bracelet with genuine diamelles. --Diamelle? -is that like a baby diamond or something?" nio

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