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Re: on quotes...
Posted By: Ticia, on host
Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2000, at 06:37:43
In Reply To: Re: on quotes... posted by Howard on Tuesday, August 8, 2000, at 16:40:24:

> > > Another Related Quote: "If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a very fine Christmas."-Also my Dad
> > >
> > > Cor"Actually uses these, so he must be turning into his father"rino
> >
> > My mother-in-law says some odd things and now my wife also uses them. "It's raining to beat the band." Beat the band? What the heck does that mean?
> >
> > My sister-in-law also says these things, but she gets them wrong. "I'd rather have a hole in my head" somehow was turned into "I'd rather have all my skin peeled off." All she could remember was it was something horrible and physical.
> >
> > My brother-in-law does something similar: "warms the cockroaches of my heart".
> >
> > Just a random thought.
> >
> > -Faux "off to a meeting" Pas
> My mother-in-law, who is really one of my best friends, uses the expression "Won't last until the water gets hot." Her favorite swear word is "Thunder!" She might say, "Well, thunder! If he doesn't get to work, he won't last until the water gets hot." I reckon we cut her a little slack because she's 84, but none of us have an inkling of what the Sam Hill she's talking about.
> Howard

Who in tarnation is Sam Hill?? Or is it a place? Sam's Hill?

Sidenote: my mother's favorite swear word is Fiddlesticks. Don't know where she got that from, though.

Ti'nothing to add'cia

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