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Adventures with Sakura: Part 1
Posted By: Sakura, on host
Date: Tuesday, August 8, 2000, at 18:11:40

The first half of my trip to Florida (excessively detailed):

I woke up at 4:45 AM--45 minutes late. We headed to the airport, arriving at around 6:30. We lifted off at around 8:30 and I slept through most of the flight (making up for my five hours of sleep the previous night). We arrived at Orlando International Airport at around 10:30 and headed for our room at a nearby Days Inn. We found that we couldn't check in until 4 and instead visited my mother's family nearby. At 3:45
we tried checking in again, only to find out that they'd given away our room. We got a different room three down.
After that bit of bad luck, we visited the family again, ate dinner, and went back home. Thus ends Saturday.

We ate breakfast at the IHOP by the hotel, then split up: my mother and her family went shopping while my father and I went to Wonderworks (an interactive science/laser tag/arcade thingy), then Race Rock (a racing-themed restaurant) for lunch. We met back up, then went back to my mother's family's house for dinner and mosquitoes. :P Thus ends Sunday.

Monday, we ate breakfast at a nearby Waffle House, then, after some schedule difficulties with the family, went to Islands of Adventure at Universal Studios. We went on the Hulk coaster (one of the best rides, IMHO), Storm Force Accelatron (not bad), Ripsaw Falls (long wait and not worth it), Dueling Dragons (a double coaster... the BEST ride in the park, I think), Jurassic Park River Adventure (another dud, except for the last drop), lunch, Poseidon's Fury (a nice show, but I was hoping for a ride), back to Dueling Dragons (even better the second time!), and Dr. Doom's Fearfall (200 feet up, then back down... didn't exactly live up to its name). After a stop at the NASCAR Cafe (for Dad's benefit ^^;), we headed back home. After a few hours' break, we had a decent buffet dinner with the family. Thus ends Monday.

Tuesday (today):
We started out late... a perfect start to a perfect day. Since Dad was going fishing, Mom and I were left to our own devices. We picked out a mini-golf course/arcade/go-kart track called Malibu Grand Prix to visit for the day, planning to get in a round of golf and a few games at the arcade... planning being the key word.
Of course, we got lost in the maze of roads around International Drive (the area with all the tourist traps). To make things worse, we had to avoid a collapsed sewer line on nearby I-4 north. After an hour of driving, we stopped at a gas station for directions and found that we had, indeed, passed by the place. We finally made it, only to find that lightning had hit it last week, shutting down the golf course. Defeated, we headed back home... and got lost AGAIN. After several minutes of near-aimless driving, we found our way home. We discovered that Dad had had the same luck; his boat had broken down and he'd come home early. We did a bit of swimming at the hotel pool and came back to the family's house one last time before leaving for Southern Florida. And thus ends today.

Sak"Lucky, just the wrong kind ^^;"ura