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Re: The plight of the two-penny romances...
Posted By: Ghost of Memories, on host
Date: Friday, March 12, 1999, at 23:34:47
In Reply To: Re: The plight of the two-penny romances... posted by Sam on Friday, March 12, 1999, at 03:34:19:

I'm not joking. I'm not naturally good at handling people, and I'd rather sound like a distressed "Dear Abby" writer online than somewhere important. (Not that you're not important...)
Who knows; maybe you'll get your own column someday, called "Dear Sam". It really is more about me than her; we used to be good friends, but people change... We wrote a novel together, once upon a time. She satirized romance novels in sections of the book, and now she's done an about-face. *sigh* People are too complicated for me. Well, until you get your column, Sam, thanks for the help! :)