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Re: Pear Juice
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Sunday, August 6, 2000, at 18:18:48
In Reply To: Pear Juice posted by DrLocke on Sunday, August 6, 2000, at 17:39:09:

> this question has been bothering me for quite some tiime now:
> why are canned peaches packed in pear juice?
> i've thought that perhaps this is done because the flavour of peach juice would be too strong. However, I recently came across an ocean spray product which mixed peach juice and lime juice or something like that, and it was really quite good. besides you could always dilute the peach juice, or just pack them in water and claim it was in its own juice, and the peaches would taste more like peaches maybe?
> other possible reasons i came up with include the cost of peach juice being too high, or not being able to extract it from peaches, or strange chemical things happening.
> also, is this practice of packing canned peaches in pear juice common in other countries besides the United States?
> does anybody really know for sure?

Gosh, I don't know, Doc. I wasn't even aware that they used pear juice. I know that a touch of lemon or lime juice will make almost anything taste better. Maybe pear juice is just a flavor enhanser. Maybe they tried apple juice and it didn't work. I guess cranberry juice would mess up the peachy color. I'll bet water would work and it would be cheaper. Who would ever notice? Do you always worry about things like that?

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