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Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Sunday, August 6, 2000, at 17:34:25

It doesn't happen often, but we went to the movies this afternoon. Everybody else had
seen "Erin Brockovich," (Did I spell that right?) so I guess it was time for us to see it too.
I gave it about a knuckle short of a thumbs up. Yeah, I know, Julia Roberts is a fine
actress, but the foul language didn't look good on her. Other than that, I'd give it a full
thumbs up. But Roberts was not the only good thing in that movie. I especially liked the
actor who played the lawyer, Ed. At times he upstaged his co-star. Other times he stole
the whole show. I don't even know his name, but I think he is a major talent and would
go out of my way to see his other movies. The face is familliar, so I may have seen
something he did a long time ago.

Another reason the movie appealed to me is that it was a true story. Or, as they say
"based on" a true story. It was about a crime that has happened over and over again. It
was a story that needed to be told. I like that in a movie. It also had some good laughs.
Erin hears the doorbell and comments that maybe it's Ed McMann. Then she opens the
door and mutters, "Wrong Ed," The scene at the end where Ed presents her with a
whopping big check was funny. Predictable, but funny.

One more thing. I saw the real Erin on TV some time ago. Sorry, Julia, the real Erin is
better looking.

Howard ("Everybody's gotta be a critic!" --Jimmy Durante)

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