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Re: Belated Adventures
Posted By: Liface, on host
Date: Friday, August 4, 2000, at 10:01:01
In Reply To: Belated Adventures posted by Grishny on Thursday, August 3, 2000, at 19:14:34:

> I'm nearly a week late on this. I didn't post it sooner because I figured no one would really be interested in it. But I've decided to do it now. Why? Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.
> Last week, July 24-28, our church held its annual Junior Camp at Lake Saint Mary's, Ohio.

Ooh, where's that? I used to live in Cleveland.

This is our second year as members of our church, and last year, my wife was a counselor at the camp, for all of a day and a half. (explanation: we found out she was expecting the week before. she got sick as a dog at camp and I had to drive up and get her late late late Tuesday night.) But that was last year, and has no bearing on this post, other than as an only mildly relevant sidenote.
> This year, our whole family went up to work at the camp for most of the week. I still had to work at my REAL JOB on Monday, so we drove up Monday night. It's about an hour away from where we live. Myself, my wife, and the baby went, with a borrowed minivan jam-packed full of mostly baby paraphrenalia.
> Mrs. Grishny spent most of her time taking care of Jonathan--not much to tell there. She had to wash his bottles and rubber nipples in the camp bathroom, and once left some of them in the sink, but they were returned.
> Grishny spent the week working in the camp kitchen helping to prepare all that oh-so-yummy camp food! Yikes!
> Honestly, I ate it too, and it really wasn't that bad. Except for what they mistakenly called barbequed beef. It was actually an extra-spicy sloppy joe type mix. Grishny was running a lot after eating that, and I don't mean laps. I also learned how to operate an antique industrial dishwasher, which was quite interesting. I think I almost destroyed it Friday when I drained the water and thought I had turned off the heating element, when in fact I had turned in all the way up. Yikes!!!
> One night I got to go swimming with the male staff members and we enjoyed a rousing game of water polo in which I scored several goals. (Grishny pats himself on the back.)
> And then it was finally over. And we came home. And crashed.

Uh oh, is the car ok?

I still don't think we're completely recovered from last week.
> Gri"..."shny

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