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Bad Joke (Really!)
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Thursday, August 3, 2000, at 20:08:52

Here's a really bad joke that might qualify for Rinkworks if it isn't already listed.


A man's car broke down in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night. Seeing lights off in the distance, he gets out and walks in that direction.

The lights turn out to be a solitary motel, much to the man's relief. He goes in, figuring that he'll get a good night's rest and then take care of his car troubles in the morning. He walks up to the desk and asks if there are any rooms available.

"You're lucky mister...or maybe not so lucky. We got one room left,'s the haunted room!"

"Pshaw! I don't believe in ghosts. I'll take the room."

"Okay, but you must remember one thing: DON'T TOUCH THE PINK GORILLA!"

"Whatever," says the man and goes to his room. There, he plops down on the bed, and is then startled as he notices a large, ornate wooden door with a massive iron bar across the front. On the door is a sign, which reads, "DON'T TOUCH THE PINK GORILLA!" Overcome with curiosity, the man removes the iron bar and swings the door open. Behind it is the largest metal door he has ever seen! On this door too is the warning, "DON'T TOUCH THE PINK GORILLA!"

Needless to say, the man unlocks the metal door and open it too. Behind it is the largest garage door he has ever seen! Repeated on the garage door are the ominous words, "DON'T TOUCH THE PINK GORILLA!"

The man is too curious to turn back, so he opens the garage door and discovers that it opens into the largest open room he has ever seen! In the middle of the floor is a HUGE trapdoor, and plastered to the face of it is again the warning, "DON'T TOUCH THE PINK GORILLA!"

Well, using all of his strength, the man is able to get the trapdoor pulled open. Looking down, he sees a ladder which descends into darkness. At this point, fear almost turns him back, but once again his curiosity gets the better of him, and he makes his way down the ladder into the darkened area.

Fumbling around in the darkness, he finally locates a light switch and flips it on. He is in a smaller version of the room above, but in the center is the largest steel cage he has every seen, and sleeping in it is a PINK GORILLA! Amazed by the sight, the man hardly notices the large warning signs on every wall reading "DON'T TOUCH THE PINK GORILLA!"

"Hmmm," he thinks. "I wonder what would happen if I did touch the pink gorilla? I bet nothing would happen. It's not even awake!" Gingerly, the man puts his arm through the bars of the cage, and rubs his hand down the gorilla's furry back.

With that, the gorilla stiffens and leaps to it's feet! Roaring, it turns to face the intruder, it's eyes bright red! The terrified man whips his arm back out of the cage! The angry gorilla grabs the steel bars with both hands and begins prying them apart!

The frightened man galvanizes into action! Leaping onto the ladder, he scampers back up into the room above, and slams the trapdoor shut as fast as he can! He then turns and runs toward the hallway that led him there. He just barely makes it to the garage door when the trapdoor flies off it's hinges, crashing to the floor on the other side of the room with a horrible crash! Not even daring to look behind him, the poor man yanks the garage door shut, and makes a beeline for the metal door.

He makes it there just as huge fist-shaped dents begin appearing in the garage door, accompanied by a terrible pounding sound. Quickly the man slams the metal door shut and engages the lock. Finally, sure that he is safe, he stops to catch his breath. Surely the pink gorilla wouldn't be able to get through the metal door.

Wrong. Just then, the metal door begins to tremble violently under the hammering force on the other side! Screaming like a little girl, the man dashes for the massive wooden door, his only hope for safety! Hurling it shut, he rams the iron bar into place and the collapses, sobbing on the bed, unable to run any further.

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! With a deafening shriek, the wooden door is torn off it's hinges and the pink gorilla leaps into the room. Spying the ill-fated traveler, it lumbers over to him, taps him on the shoulder, and says, "Tag! You're it!"

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