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Re: when you see this car, Howard, you'll have your answer. . .
Posted By: Liface, on host
Date: Wednesday, August 2, 2000, at 12:17:33
In Reply To: Re: when you see this car, Howard, you'll have your answer. . . posted by Ferrick on Tuesday, August 1, 2000, at 23:03:51:

> And another note...why does it seem like at least half of all car commercials suck? Especially during the Super Bowl, when they should be good?

Actually, almost all car commercials suck because they are not funny. I especially like the volkswagon golf one though

You see this car sitting in an empty parking lot and this guy is singing and making weird hand signs. You don't hear any music. Finally the guys friend opens the door and that "Thank you very mucho, Mr. Roboto" song starts playing. Then it says that the 8track player is one of the new features availible on the golf.

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