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Re: cellphone safety shocks
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Sunday, July 30, 2000, at 20:18:01
In Reply To: Re: safety posted by Brunnen-G on Tuesday, July 25, 2000, at 18:42:28:

> > > > > I think thats a good I dea. People shouldn't be driving and using the phone at the same time but if they are we smart drivers have a right to know that they are stupid people who are not paying attention
> > > > >
> > > > > thank you
> > > >
> > > > I think that if you turn on a cell phone while driving, you should have a 1 / 100,000 chance of being electrocuted, a 1 / 100 chance of being shocked fairly hard, and a 1 / 10 chance of receiving a mildly painful shock. That way, if you had a real emergency you could use it, but you certainly wouldn't want to do it all the time.

Hey Stephen. Is this your warped version of Stanley Milgram's classic study on Obedience to Authorit-- I mean, regarding Obedience to the Supreme Dictator for Life???? ;-)

> > > > Unless you were the Flash or something, but in that case you really wouldn't need a cell phone, because you could just run wherever you needed to be. It's the perfect system.
> > > >
> > > > Ste "In a silly mood tonight" phen
> > >
> > > How about a flashing yellow light on top of your car when the cell phone is in use? That way other drivers would know to give you plenty of room.
> > > How"in a serious mood tonight"ard
> >
> > Or a speakerphone instead of a handheld? Have it built invisibly into the windshield so they'll be looking at it.
> >
> > Nyperold

Oh well. We should just skip right onwards to the next obvious step, and imbed the gigahertz receiver/transmission chips directly into the cellphone-driver's head. Oh, and one of my friends is doing a Master's thesis on the effects of cellphone radiation. He made up this nice little birthday card for us, showing the frequency range in which this radiation gets attenuated by being ABSORBED DIRECTLY INTO BRAIN TISSUE. Fun, huh? So, those addicted drivers who go around with the cellphone continually glued to an ear will eventually solve their own "road phone problem" through preemptive Evolution in action... like, say, when they get flattened by going head-on with a tractor-trailer...

> I'm afraid I think there are very few stress-related problems in the world that wouldn't be solved by having a car with surface-to-surface guided missile capacity.
> Brunnen-"just for me, of course. Not for other people"G

I could always help you out with your *very own* solid-rocket fuel boosters strapped onto your lil' jalopy, B-G. It would be my pleasure... Gimme a call, anytime. :-)
