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Re: You Think
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Thursday, July 27, 2000, at 21:10:36
In Reply To: Re: You Think posted by gabby on Wednesday, July 26, 2000, at 21:49:56:

> I think all large, important, or meaningful words should be reduced to their simplest components. For example, the sentence, "The forlorn sailors fervently prayed over the chicken supper that the storm would circumnavigate their capsized vessel," could become, "The sad lonely hopeless sea men hoped really hard while eating a tasty egg-laying poultry bird that the bad wind and water would go a long ways around the thing that used to carry them in water but can't now because it's upside-down."

You think.... Hm, given this particular reductionist argument, aren't you implying here that the act of "praying" and invoking God's help amongst desperate men is equivalent to -- and perhaps no more effective than -- simply "hoping really hard"?

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