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Re: Reader Poll
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Saturday, July 22, 2000, at 05:26:33
In Reply To: Re: Reader Poll posted by Ayako on Friday, July 21, 2000, at 15:57:05:

> > I was so excited to see a new reader poll! But, bummer, I'm not afraid of any of those things. But I would be if they were combined.
> > I'd be afraid if I was miles up, in a small, dark, cramped airplane along with a big spider and blood-covered wild animals. That would be really scary.
> >
> > B"You're never alone"o
> Yeah, I'd have to agree with you there. I'm not really scared of any one of those. I suppose it would have to depend on the circumstances--if I were 80 feet high perched on a pole that was 4 inches across, for instance, I'd definitely be scared of the height. ;)
> Or say blood was seeping out from under the closed door to my dad's room. *That* would scare me silly. But in any normal circumstances, none of those are particularly frightening to me (I actually happen to like seeing a spider crawling on my wall--it reminds me of Florida, where I grew up).
> Aya"that one recurring dream I had when I was little about my mom cutting off my head with a butcher knife--now *that* was creepy"ko

High places.
But why doesn't flying bother me? I get dizzy at the movies when they get out on the window ledge.

I don't worry much about spiders because I live in the woods and they are everywhere. I've even seen a half dozen black widows in the 28 years that I've lived here. But I can't dislike anything that eats bugs.

I heard the other day that wasps, hornets, and dirt daubbers eat mosquitoes and now I even feel better about them. Dragon flies eat more mosquitoes than some birds.

Among the things that I hate to do are cleaning rain gutters, and painting. It's because the ladder looks so short from the ground and so tall from the top. I get woozy just thinking about it.