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Re: Klatu Verada....Niktu
Posted By: Zarkon, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 10, 1999, at 13:56:48
In Reply To: Re: Klatu Verada....Niktu posted by Sam on Wednesday, March 10, 1999, at 13:29:34:

> Of course, pretty much every science fiction
> effort from the 1950s looks dated today, and
> many are favorite targets of Mystery Science
> Theater 3000. But "The Day the Earth Stood
> Still" is one of the very few that holds up well
> today -- better, I would argue, than even the
> original Star Trek television series, not that
> I'm knocking that in any way. The movie is very
> competently made, taken seriously, and contains
> studies of more abstract and universal ideas
> than most films of its type. "Dated" I would
> concede to with reservations, but "cheesy" I
> protest.

Alright, you definitely have a point - cheesy was a poor choice of words. I'll amend it to 'dated'. I'd tend to put this movie in the same category as Metropolis, actually.