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Re: He's ba-ack!
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Thursday, July 20, 2000, at 12:16:47
In Reply To: Re: He's ba-ack! posted by Nyperold on Wednesday, July 19, 2000, at 06:01:33:

> > Isn't it true that Kangaroo is Aboriginal for 'I don't know'?
> I've heard that it means "I don't understand you." The conversation between Capt. Cook and an aboriginal was said to go like this:
> Cook: *pointing to a kangaroo* What's that?
> Aboriginal: Kangaroo(I don't understand you).
> > Be 'just like a pig and live in ' a sty
> Nyperold
Now you've gone and done it! I have to tell a story about misunderstanding native lingo.
Hopefully, this story is so old, nobody will remember hearing it before.
President Harry Truman visited an Indian reservation in Arizona. While he was there, he made a speech about all the things he was going to do for the people on the reservation. He told them that they would all have one of those new-fangled television sets, and the Indians all responded in unison with a loud "Oom-pa, oom-pa!"
He said that there would be a car in front of every Teepee, and they responded "Oom-pa, oom-pa!" Then he said they would have an air-conditioned school, and again came the "Oom-pa, oom-pa!" After the speech, the Chief presented Mr. Truman with a large feathered war bonnet and a ride on a horse. As he started to mount the horse, the Chief said, "Be careful, Mr. President, don't step in the oom-pa."