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Re: A busy time.
Posted By: Ellmyruh, on host
Date: Tuesday, July 18, 2000, at 13:59:21
In Reply To: A busy time. posted by Howard on Tuesday, July 18, 2000, at 11:03:02:

> Having gotten back from Indiana, Georgia, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia and all those other places, I have found myself covered up with unfinished projects and other things that need to be done. I seem to have very little time for the computer. This morning, I spent three hours cleaning up storm litter from the yard. The fallen trees and major limbs are still where they fell, but I haven't tuned up the chainsaw yet. The Weedeater has a broken fuel line. I did get the grass cut in the front yard, tilled the garden and and changed the oil in the tiller. I still have my 1961 Cushman Highlander apart, but I found the gaskets I needed while I was in Portland, Indiana, so I think I'll spend the afternoon putting it back together. If it runs, I'll have five scooters in good running condition one that needs repair, one that needs an engine and one that runs sometimes but no very well. If I had the shop, the garage, and the shed clean and the rest of the storm damage cleared away, I might have time to replace the line on my flyrod and reorganize my tackle box.
> How"in the world did I keep everything done before I ret"ard

When you're done, can you come clean out my closet? I would appreciate it if you could get it done before I move in a couple of weeks. Oh, and while you're at it, I would be grateful if you could pack up all of my stuff.

P.S. Don't forget to label the boxes.

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