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Re: SGB Color Codes
Posted By: Ellmyruh, on host
Date: Tuesday, July 18, 2000, at 13:56:16
In Reply To: Re: SGB Color Codes posted by Nyperold on Tuesday, July 18, 2000, at 11:26:28:

> > > I'm considering adding a page of Super Game Boy Color Codes. If you wish to contribute, please send the game and area for which the code is intended, the code itself, and a short but sufficient description of the effect(s). If you wish, you may send a screenshot, which will give me a better idea of what effect the code has. I will be able to test some of these myself, but not many. I will if I can. If you catch me in Chat, you may wish to give them to me there. Don't bother giving me the ones from The Super Game Boy Guide, as I already have those. I will attribute each code to the first person to send it to me.
> > >
> > > Nyperold
> >
> > Now I'm not completely ignorant about Game Boys, but I don't think I understand what you are talking about. My Gameboy is an old one with only brassy yellow and black on the screen. That's all I need for Tetrus. My grandsons both have color Gameboys and play a variety of games. They talk about codes and stuff and would probably understand what you want. So I'll just continue to play the game in blissful ignorance. I mainly use it just to kill time in airports and such places anyway.
> > Howard
> Heh. It's pretty simple. What it is is a thingamabob that you plug into a Super Nintendo that lets you play Game boy games on a TV screen. Makes it easier to see, see? You've noticed that there's yellow, yellowish light gray, yellowish dark gray, and black? Well, the Super Game Boy lets you replace each of those with 4 out of many colors. One way to do that is with the codes. That's all they do.
> Nyper"not too complex"old

Well, I don't have a Gameboy, so Howard is ahead of me in that department. My only interest in Gameboys is I've seen translucent ones. Anybody who knows me would agree that I am basically obsessed with clear/translucent things, but my Gameboy interest ends there.

Are you adding these codes to your AGL project, Nyperold? If so does that mean that I will have to enter the Gameboy codes to get past the angry dwarf who is holding the last tetris piece that will allow me to gain entrance to the next level of Mario Brothers?

Ell"No, don't take me seriously. I've been in meetings all day."myruh

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