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Re: License plates
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Sunday, July 16, 2000, at 19:24:05
In Reply To: Re: Adventures with Sam in Canada posted by Ticia on Sunday, July 16, 2000, at 09:37:32:

> My family and I just got back from Yellowstone last night, and we had an experience there that made me immediatly think of posting on the forum somewhere in this thread.
> Coming out of the Old Faithful Inn parking lot, there is a two lane one way road. We were in the left lane, this guy from Canada (or at least, he had Canada plates) was in the right lane going slowly, so we passed him. Don't know if he just didn't want to be passed by a Mini-van with a tent-trailer on it or what, but he sped up. Well, then we sped up, to be going the speed limit. The two lanes narrowed to one, and we were in front of him. He pulles out around the double yellow lines (by this time, the street was a two way road) and zoomed out ahead of us and cut us off! About 2 minutes later, (in a 50 MPH speed zone, I think)he slowed down to about 20 MPH. Now, I don't know what his problem was, but he sure was rude. One of my sisters commented "I thought Canadians were supposed to be nice!" Just goes to show that not everyone in Canada is as nice as Constable Benton Fraser in the show 'Due South' (one of our favorite shows) ;)

I'm pretty sure the license-plate colours of each Canadian province/territory likely have a corresponding counterpart to a U.S. state's plate colours. But "Canada plates"? Hehe :-) The closest Canadian provinces to Yellowstone Park (in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho) are Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia. You saw any of those names on the guy's plates? Quebec and Ontario plates are blue letters and digits on a white background.

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