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Re: Erm, yeah, I have seen me....
Posted By: Kaz!, on host
Date: Wednesday, July 12, 2000, at 12:46:30
In Reply To: Re: Adventures with Sam in Canada posted by Faux Pas on Tuesday, July 11, 2000, at 07:25:35:

> > "At some point during our initial idle chatter, Dave turned to Wolf and said, 'Well, they're not axe murderers.'"
> >
> > No, that's where I come in. Remember, I am in my 30s, I carry a bazooka, and I put arsenic in my cookies. By the way, when do I get to meet you, Sam?
> >
> Speaking of, has anyone heard from Kaz recently?
> -Faux "oh! free cookies!" Pas

Well, I'm not going to on Rinkchat quite as often and my postings on the message forum seem to have become almost nonexistant....that's how it'll be for the next little while. Right now, my grandmother is here and we're doing all sorts of things (and she has the same idea as my mom about the 'evil people on the internet'). In a few days, we're going to be going down to California, and my relitives there don't have a computer :-(

Of course, what I'm worried about is catching up on all I missed in this forum - it was pretty impossible when I was gone last Christmas. If I find a computer in some shopping mall down in California that I can 'try out', I'll be sure to tell you all how I'm doing (and log onto Rinkchat for about 5 minutes so that my name doesn't get deleted).

So, um, yeah, that's where I'm going and that's what I'll be up to for the next little while. And yes, when I get back I'll make sure that there will be an "Avdentures with Kaz!" for all of you to read.

-Ka"Starting to suffer from Rinkwithdraw already"z!

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