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Re: Adventures with Sam in Canada
Posted By: Dave, on host
Date: Monday, July 10, 2000, at 21:45:49
In Reply To: Re: Adventures with Sam in Canada posted by gabby on Monday, July 10, 2000, at 19:19:13:

> >The exit numbers aren't sequential: the exit
>>number corresponds with the kilometer marker, so
>>an exit number at marker 20 would be exit 20,
>>and the next exit might be 35 or something.
> That's the only way I've ever seen it done--exit
>number corresponds to mile marker. Is the road
>system different on the East coast?

Yes. Most places on the east coast, exits are numbered sequentially, not by mile marker. I can't remember now at exactly what point it changed in my cross country journey, but I *do* have a vivid memory of seeing my first exit sign numbered in the 200's and thinking "AH! I'm NEVER going to get out of this state!!"

Of course, when I got to Colorado, the first exit I saw was number four hundred and something.

-- Dave