I must be off.
Howard, on host
Wednesday, July 5, 2000, at 12:23:58
With my California trip on the back burner, I'm off to Georgia to keep the grandkids while their mama jets off to Europe. (My sister in Calif. is recovering.)
We had the best seat in the house for the 4th of July celebrations in Washington, D.C. and Cincinatti, Ohio. While we watched that on TV, our neighbors on the other side of the woods shot a fortune into the sky. I could see them from my perch on the couch. Enjoyed Ray in D.C. and Rosemary in Cincinnatti. I almost didn't recognize Tom Wopat in that tux. It wouldn't be Independence Day without the 1812 Overture.
Now I can hardly wait for Dec. 6, so I can help celebrate the Finnish Independence Day.
I'll be back from Georgia and back on line in a few days.
Let's see now, this month it's Kennesaw, Ga, and Lascassas, Tn, from there to Chattanooga, (love those Indian names!)then home, then Portland, Indiana. Next month, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. This fall I'm going to take a really long trip somewhere. These short jaunts wear me out. How"way off"ard