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Re: Split Personalities
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Friday, March 5, 1999, at 15:26:13
In Reply To: Re: Split Personalities posted by enile on Friday, March 5, 1999, at 07:28:38:

> A friend of mine worked for a local paper, and to generate correspondence for the letters page he would write his own under various personas, often arguing amongst himselves. One of his more prolific characters was 'Edith Grove' (named after the street he lived on) whose forceful opinions earned the attentions of the paper's editor, leading him to ask if an interview could be arranged. Edith Grove promptly moved from the area.

I was having a discussion with some friends, one of whom says she knows someone whose last name is "Lane" who is bound and determined to name her firstborn daughter "Penny." (This was after our conversation where we told another of my friends that she would have to marry a man whose last name was "Cracker" and name her firstborn "Graham." That's a significantly inside joke, but there's enouth humour on the surface that I though I'd say it.)

On another point, did you know that I do believe your message is the first time I've actually seen the word "himselves" used in print?

(Off-topic note 2: Check out the grammar in that last paragraph of mine! Think I tortured it quite enough?)

Dar "Me, Myselves, and Us" ien

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