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Re: IMG2 Interview (June 16, 2000)
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Saturday, July 1, 2000, at 19:50:33
In Reply To: Transcript of the Rinkworks' IMG2 Interview posted by Kaz! on Saturday, July 1, 2000, at 09:28:22:

Wow Kaz!. That was a considerable amount of transcription work. Just goes to show the great lengths of time, effort, and *sleep deprivation* to which we Rinkydinks will go for each other, and our noble Sam. Also, after reading Kaz!'s note about the "cool tongue sound", I just had to go back and hear what he was talkin' bout. Heh heh.

And let's see now. We have Ellmyruh as PR publicist, Kaz! as official transcriptionist. Who's gonna be Rinkworks' right-hand man? ^_^

Wolf "IWANT LEEN dØØD!1 Fry m4h H1D3!!!!11~~~~" spirit