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Re: Sick in the summer?
Posted By: Tranio, on host
Date: Thursday, June 29, 2000, at 16:10:10
In Reply To: Sick in the summer? posted by CarrieAnn on Thursday, June 29, 2000, at 13:16:51:

> I thought it was against the laws of nature to
> get sick in the summer. But, here I am,
> sniffling, coughing, no energy, etc., etc. Maybe
> it was being out in the late evening on Sunday
> when the temperature dropped, or maybe it
> was swimming in the rain on Monday. I've
> always heard that you don't get sick from
> being out in the cold or the rain, but I also
> always get a runny nose after being in the rain.
> On Monday when we were swimming in the
> rain, I told my buddies that I should get out or I
> would get sick and they all laughed at me
> because "you don't get sick from the rain,
> Carrie," they said, "you get sick from germs."
> Well, I don't know anyone else who is sick and
> here I am with flu-like symptoms in the middle
> of summer.
> Carrie"on like a big baby when I'm sick
> because I c"Ann

That's true, temperature can't make you sick (save for hypothermia and heat exhaustion), it is the germs that make you sick. The temperature becomes a factor because it makes you more succeptable to the germs.
Unlocking a door doesn't make your bed stinky and wet... but it does make it easier for the big, wet dog to come in and shake all over it.

Tran"smigrating flamingos get sick on their way to Ontar"io

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