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Re: Ethics (Oh no!)
Posted By: Wormwood, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 28, 2000, at 14:36:21
In Reply To: Re: Ethics (Oh no!) posted by Sam on Wednesday, June 28, 2000, at 13:24:12:

> " is my belief that laws only have a right to exist to prevent harm to other people. "

> However, I do not believe the law has any right to make me wear a seat belt when I'm driving. Laws have no business putting their noses into a personal decision on my part that can affect only me. Fortunately this ridiculous seat belt law coincides with my personal belief on what is sensible to do anyway, so I comply with that particular law, as I would anyway, and differ with it only on principle. (This is not to be confused with laws requiring minors to wear seat belts, and for parents to be responsible for their children wearing seat belts -- introducing minors into the discussion opens a whole new can of worms, but, in a nutshell, that's a law I quite agree with.)

I have reason to beleive that you are wrong in that that choosing to wear seatbelt is a personal decision that will affect only you.

Wearing a seatbelt does not only protect you in case of an accident or collision, but it protects other passengers in the car from you. Let's say you're driving a car, and you come to an intersection. As I come barreling down the road at mach 7, I don't notice the red light or your car. When I hit your car, you fly over into the passenger seat and break the neck of whoever is sitting there.

There's another situation.

Whenever a car is out of control--in a a skid, maybe-- the contents of the car will tend to shift inside the car. Now, you're sitting in any one of the seats; since you're contents of the car, you shift around as well-- and say, break in the ribcage of the person in the back seat with your skull.

However, choosing not to wear a seatbelt when there is no one else in the car is fine with me-- the most damage you'll do is fly through the windsheild and into an open manhole.

Either way, it's your decision-- choose wisely.

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