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Re: sorry it took so long to reply. Been out all day:
Posted By: Mel, on host
Date: Monday, June 26, 2000, at 10:52:24
In Reply To: Re: sorry it took so long to reply. Been out all day: posted by Jimmy Of York on Monday, June 26, 2000, at 00:09:53:

> >
> > > I'm not dissagreeing, I just want to get your opinion on something. What if that student had decided to read out of some erotic magazine or something? Or just decided to recite a bunch of vulgar swear words. Would you be fine with that too? What's the difference?
> >
> > Profanity and obscenity are not legally considered to be protected speech.
> >
> Really? Why?

Because using obscenity(in the sense that you use nothing *but* obcenity) isn't considered to be expressing a coherent thought or opinion. If you walked up to a person and just started yelling some cuss words in his face, you are not really "speaking" to him because all you are doing is repeating some meaningless words that only exist to offend him. Therefore obscenity cannot be protected speech because it isn't by any counts *speech*, in its constitutional sense.

M"there's probably someone else here who can explain it better than I can"el

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