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Re: Dialectizer and AAAAAAARRGH!!!
Posted By: Ellmyruh, on host
Date: Saturday, June 24, 2000, at 09:37:51
In Reply To: Re: Dialectizer and AAAAAAARRGH!!! posted by Wormwood on Friday, June 23, 2000, at 21:08:38:

> My opinion is that whoever was in charge of blacklisting certain sites for AOL didn't take the time to visit the sites individually and judge them. Most likely is that the person in charge of site blacklisting banned the Dialectizer because someone who was never happy and always wanted to make trouble called it racist or objectionable or successful. In turn, AOL's PR department wagged it's long, scraggly finger, and the Dialectizer was blacklisted.

> Wormwood

I highly doubt that it was AOL's PR department that was in charge of the banning. The PR department would be in charge of answering questions from the media (and sometimes the general public) about WHY the Dialectizer was banned. Communication is their specialty, so that's why they are the ones who do the talking. If a question is answered the wrong way, it could mean a lawsuit.

Ell"Note that I did NOT say that suing AOL was a bad thing!"myruh