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Re: God and bricks
Posted By: eric sleator, on host
Date: Saturday, June 24, 2000, at 09:27:28
In Reply To: Re: God and bricks posted by koalamom on Friday, June 23, 2000, at 21:58:35:

> > I would only accept a God that *asked* me to follow his plan, and left the decision entirely up to me. Furthermore, any God who would punish me for *not* following his plan and instead deciding my own fate wouldn't be much worth to me anyway. If my manager at work "asks" me to do something and then punishes me for not doing it, then he was never really asking in the first place--he was commanding, and I ticked him off by saying no. I find that vindictive and petty--two things I don't want in any God I might choose to worship.
> >
> > -- Dave
> Maybe you could think of it in terms of natural consequences. Just like there are laws/rules that govern the physical universe, there are laws/rules that govern the spiritual universe. Not to oversimplify or trivialize, but:
> I want to throw a brick straight up in the air.
> God says, like any good parent, don't do that, you'll put someone's eye out.
> I say, it's my life, I'm throwing the brick.
> God says, read my instruction book, it will tell you in black & white what the consequences of that action will be. Don't throw the brick.
> I say, you're wrong, I've seen people throw bricks and they always go up. Only feebs have bricks that fall back down. Besides, I'm basically a good person.
> God says, DON'T THROW THE BRICK! It's for your own good! I love you, I wouldn't steer you wrong.
> I say, I'm living my own life. I'm throwing the brick.
> God sighs and says, fine, throw the brick, you have free will to do so.
> I throw the brick. It goes up for a long time, but it does also come down eventually. I put my eye out. I am angry at God for "punishing" me.
> People throw spiritual bricks all the time. Some of them just haven't come down yet.
> Koala"thrown a few bricks herself"mom

What a good analogy. Thanks. I think I'll use that.

-eric "I've never seen anyone compare God with Dave" sleator
Sat 24 Jun A.D. 2000