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Re: Twin Chatrooms
Posted By: Travholt, on host
Date: Friday, June 23, 2000, at 09:12:35
In Reply To: Twin Chatrooms posted by Help on Friday, June 23, 2000, at 06:58:55:

> I'm kinda bewildered by the twin chatrooms. (As I like
to call them)It just kinda caught me off-guard.

Me too! and there the chat room split.

> I guess I'll get used to it.

When things change, it won't be the same as before.
So then it has to become either better or worse. Let's
hope it will become better...

As long as there's more than one room, it's good you
can see who's elsewhere in the chat, though. And it's
also nice being able to check out who's where from the
lobby, and just hang around there to see if anyone else
comes around.

I don't know what Sam's thoughts behind all this are,
but the option of setting the topic for a room makes it
possible to have a discussion in one room, and they
who don't want to take part in the discussion can just
hang out in the other room. This will be less confusing.
People may choose to be in both rooms at the same
time anyway, but the discussion will be separated from
the "smalltalk".

Only time will show how people will make use of the
two rooms.


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