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Re: sorry it took so long to reply. Been out all day:
Posted By: Mia, on host
Date: Thursday, June 22, 2000, at 10:55:35
In Reply To: sorry it took so long to reply. Been out all day: posted by shadowfax on Wednesday, June 21, 2000, at 21:36:30:

I see Utah is VERY different, at least where I come from. Although teachers and students can't pray together, students often pray before events: plays, football games, etc. But students and teachers, coaches, administration, etc., NEVER pray together.

As for praying over the PA system...well, if that had been in my school, I would have been thoroughly shocked. Even though we do pray in school, it is not DURING school, but AFTER hours.
Besides, I wouldn't want to sit through a prayer I didn't believe in, and why should I have to? I'm at school. I shouldn't HAVE to participate in something that is forced upon me. So I leave, right? In school? Where would I go where the PA system didn't reach my ears? I can't think of a single place in my school, and I certainly can't leave school grounds just for a prayer (although that would make for a very interesting debate).

That's all I have to say right now.

Mi"that's what seminaries, of ANY religion, are for"a