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Re: that entire clause is messed up. . . ..
Posted By: CarrieAnn, on host
Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2000, at 13:29:24
In Reply To: that entire clause is messed up. . . .. posted by shadowfax on Tuesday, June 20, 2000, at 18:55:37:

The thing is, "separation of church and state"
didn't mean the same thing 200 years ago as
the government is trying to make it mean now.
Just because the government can't support a
church doesn't mean that if you are in a school
(government funded) that you are to leave your
religion at the door. The whole point of religion
is having a guideline for living your life and
everyone has a different opinion. Different
opinions are the backbone of our country.

> separation of church and state is a myth.
We have every president running around
saying "god bless america," "in got we trust"
stamped on every coin and bill, and my dad's
state bar certificates (he has three), all of them
stampsigned by the supreme court justices of
those states, talks about the year he got
licensed as "the year of our Lord" . . . yet a
couple of kids can't pray if they want to at a
football game. Gimme a break.