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Re: it'll never happen. . . .
Posted By: Dracimas, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2000, at 07:11:59
In Reply To: it'll never happen. . . . posted by shadowfax on Monday, June 19, 2000, at 20:03:46:

> 1) the confederate flag. The reason it should come down is because it was the flag of a conqured nation. As you know, the civil war was fought because the south decided they were their own country and wanted to split off from the rest of the US. Well, we won, and the confed. flag should not be flown. I don't see too many british flags flying around here ;)
> 2) rednecks. The difference between racism and redneckism (cool, I just created an ism) is that really, redneckism does not lump ALL southerners into one redneck group. I lived in the south, but I'm not a redneck, and neither presumably are you. My aunt and uncle are another story, however. Now, as you go farther north, you get more people who think everyone from arkansas is a sister-raping toothless hillbilly who wears a big straw hat and plays the banjo. But then they also think New Mexico is another country, so why count their opinion? ;)
> Redneckism cannot be considered racism because it does not target a particular race, but a particular lifestyle if you will.
> Frankly I think all this racism/sexism/whateverism stuff has gone entirely too far. The racism issue really annoys me. If I call one guy black, he gets mad because I didn't call him african american. So I call the next black guy african american and he gets ticked because I didn't call him black. Let's quit diddling around and settle on one name and leave it there. Preferably not african-american, BTW, because they are not. They are americans. If they want to be african-americans, they should apply for dual citizenship in africa. And as for those offended by redneck jokes, just take it with a grain of salt. Most people that I've talked to that get mad at redneck jokes have no problem with turning around and telling a polish joke. Well, a bunch of people up here where I live (Minnesota) would be just as mad at you for ragging on the polish as you are at them for ragging on the rednecks.
> Just about any form of humor involves poking fun at someone. Look at Things People Said and Computer Stupidites if you don't believe me. They're 2 of the funniest parts of this site, and they do nothing BUT poke fun at stupid people.
> IMHO, everyone needs to chill out and quit being so thin-skinned.

I couldn't agree more. I am from Oklahoma and I am a Redneck. I am a redneck simply because I have been known to work outside where the only sunburn I get is on my neck. Which is where the term got started BTW. I am not a stupid moron and I know it, but I will admit that I posses a lot of the stereotypical qualities of a Redneck. For instance, I make my own beef jerky, my trash collector has a hard time telling what goes and what stays, and my hat is the first thing on in the morning, and the last thing off at night. And yes, those *are* Jeff Foxworthy jokes. I have a calender of those jokes on my desk here at work and while I don't agree with most, I'm not the least bit offended by them.

I think a lot of people take themselves too seriously. For instance, I heard this morning that there is a group of animal rights people outraged that the people on the show Survivor ate rats. They said the rats had rights and the people should have eaten veggies instead. Now in my opinion that is taking things a bit too seriously. Not that I'm either agreeing or disagreeing with them, it's not my place to judge, but I think they take themselves too seriously for anyones good.

Drac "Saving up to gravel my driveway" imaS