Re: Stupid commercials on TV (REPLY!)
grupera, on host
Monday, June 19, 2000, at 14:21:51
Re: Stupid commercials on TV (REPLY!) posted by Lynnda on Monday, October 25, 1999, at 01:01:34:
> I hate those stupid "Overactive Bladder" commercials! First they say that it is NOT normal! Well, DUH! Let's spend $60,000 per minute to state the obvious. Then they tell you to take "THIS RX". Usual side affect include: dry mouth, diarrhea, blurred vision, shortness of breath, headache, nausea, & cramping! HELLO!! > I'd rather just go ahead & pee my pants thank you very much!
Ok, the old navy commercials with the stupid old lady and the stupid dog. What do they have to do with the clothing. Not only that, they seem to get airheads to make those commericals. Jack in the box is also super retarded, I'm not sure which one is worse, old navy or jack in the box. I hate these commericals so much, I will never buy their products.