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Re: What makes you laugh?
Posted By: Help, on host
Date: Sunday, June 18, 2000, at 07:21:43
In Reply To: Re: What makes you laugh? posted by Cheez Liz on Saturday, June 17, 2000, at 10:57:27:

> > Okay, so I saw this question elsewhere.
> >
> > Rinkworks is a given, so we're talking other than that. :)
> >
> > Nyperold
> People who have absolutely no idea what they're doing publicly humiliating themselves (i.e. my first semester World History class)
> Cheez "If history is doomed to repeat itself, bring on the beheadings" Liz

I think Sienfield is very funny.

(Definatly NOT people slipping on bannana peels)