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Re: No Internet
Posted By: Jimmy Of York, on host
Date: Saturday, June 10, 2000, at 08:59:12
In Reply To: No Internet posted by Sam on Saturday, June 10, 2000, at 08:12:10:

Ok, well I think basically it all comes down to how you use the internet, even more than to how you use the TV. Like you said, there's so much more interaction with the internet, so how you use it effects it so much more than how you use the tv. Personnaly, I normally only use the internet for talking to friends, since all my friends live really disperced throughout the town and I don't live by any of them, it's hard to see them and talk to them as much as I want. So eventhough we end up doing things basically every day anyways, but that's only for like a few hours. This way I can talk to lots of my friends all at the same time. Not only that, but one of my friends introduced me to one of my now very closest friends over the internet. After that I met her at school and we got really close. And I probably wouldn't have met her otherwise because she's in 8th grade, and I'm in 10th this year, so we go to different schools now. So anyways, I think the internet is very good for it's social qualities...

I also use it to learn about lots of things, like science, and other religions, and computers, and programming, and how to play musical instruments and whole bunches of junk. I spend a whole lot of the time each day on the internet. My parents seem to think it's weird, apparently they'd rather have me sitting in front of the TV instead of in front of the computer, I don't think they understand what I do on here.

The internet also keeps me in touch with people that maybe i'm not good enough friends with to call or anything, but since they have the internet, I still talk to them a lot over the summer. I think that's really good.

Anyways... I think I forgot the point of this post, so I better wrap things up pretty soon. I think the internet is much better than TV, but not as good as human interaction.... However, it CAN be a good way to meet someone before meeting them in person because of the whole prejudice/looks/age thing.... or somehting. anyways, I dunno what i'm talking about anymore so I think that's my cue to stop talking.

Jimmy O"Oh! Gotta go! The simpsons are coming on!"f York