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Re: Sam
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Friday, June 9, 2000, at 17:39:20
In Reply To: Re: Sam posted by Grishny on Thursday, June 8, 2000, at 20:38:49:

> > Sam is the Supreme Ruler of all life. He dictates all! He is also the most rullingestly guy.
> > Leen is the co-Supreme Ruler. She must be obeyed.
> I would like to point out that, while Sam and Leen are both extremely ruling people, Sam does not dictate all. He had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with my choice of what to eat for breakfast this morning.
> Gri"in fact, I do believe it was *moi* who got Sam and Leen hooked on Tater Tot Casserole a while back"shny
> Gri"and now I'm sure that Sam will post some sort of explanation of how he actually *did* determine what I ate for breakfast this morning. Say, am I allowed to double-sign my name with the little name-quotes thingy?"shny

I have come to the conclusion that the only way to run a website is with an iron hand. Otherwise it deteriorates into something that nobody wants. An iron hand keeps a website interesting and productive. It's kind of like running a productive classroom. Everybody has to know who is boss, but the boss can't stiffle positive input.
How(2 cents worth)ard