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!aedi na s'ereht ...ooO
Posted By: neiraD, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 2, 1999, at 16:50:32
In Reply To: Re: Alice in the Land of Shrieking Lunatics posted by Darien on Monday, March 1, 1999, at 19:37:12:

nei "ssalG gnikooL eht hguorhT txeT yM" raD

("?eroM oN ereH dnuorA emoC t'noD" rof oediv eht htiw raillimaf esle eno on si rO) !gnitseretni neeb evah dluow *taht* woN !oediv eht ni ti did yeht yaw emas eht ti od dna ,"dnalrednoW nI ecilA" od srekaerbtraeH eht dna ytteP moT evah dluohs enoemos - (yppah ssI ekam ot drawckab ti etirw ll'I dna) aedi na evah I

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