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Re: Why on this reader poll...
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Monday, June 5, 2000, at 16:05:59
In Reply To: Re: Why on this reader poll... posted by ladadadada on Sunday, June 4, 2000, at 16:46:39:

> > > ... is herring not an option?
> > > This is just not satisfactory!
> >
> > We need them to cut down our mightiest trees. :)
> >
> > Nyperold
> I noticed that my favourites: whiting, blackfish, leatherjacket, garfish and barramundi are all missing too. But how long would the list be if Sam included them all ?
> Ladada(bring us... a.... shrubbery !)dada

Yeah, reader polls in an international medium are tough, ladadadada. The only fish on the list I've tasted are tuna and cod. Some of the others I've never even heard of. Leatherjacket wouldn't be on my list, but at least it's a fish we have here. My version of this poll would be: hoki, john dory, snapper, terakihi, ling, kingfish, kahawai, bonito, orange roughie, red cod, blue cod? I would have voted for snapper.

Brunnen-"one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish"G

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