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How about these antiques?
Posted By: Tyler, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 2, 1999, at 13:49:39
In Reply To: Re: Is it Christmas yet? posted by Howard on Monday, March 1, 1999, at 17:29:21:

> Speaking of antiques, how many of you can operate an Apple IIE?

Grew up with one. I started as a tyke playing PacMan, moved on to write pages and pages of "novels" (the sort of romantic horse epics that often evolve in a junior high girlie-girl's mind) jam-packing several floppy floppies (my name for 5 1/4s) and wrestled through highschool essays using that dinosaur. My family finally pitched in to get me a Packard Bell from Hell as an off-to-college gift. After the IIe it has been a dream.

How about the Kaypro?

How about that big boxy table thing with lights and wire coming out the sides from my earliest memories, as big as me and took up most of Grandma's spare room and that my Daddy called a computer?

That's as far back as I go.


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