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Re: trolls?
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 30, 2000, at 12:32:31
In Reply To: Re: trolls in general posted by Faux Pas on Tuesday, May 30, 2000, at 07:06:06:

> > Sigh...
> >
> > If he comes back, he'll only do this more, because now you've shown him that this stuff gets to you.
> Yes, trolls do annoy me in much the same way that mosquitoes to (good imagery, BG). However, if he does come back to this message forum, he'll see a thread that calls him a loser rather than the third or fourth response to that thread. That is what would tempt him to repost his inanities.
> I would have rather fought the troll with the only weapon that seems to affect them: silence. But as another member of our community started a thread about the troll (which was a rather well-written piece, Wolfspirit), I felt that it was okay to post what I did:
> 1. Trolling posts will be deleted.
> 2. Trolls are anti-social immature cowards.
> 3. Trolls will be ignored.
> And that's all I'll be saying about this.
> -Faux "on to better posts" Pas

Somebody told me that trolls were people who read the posts, but don't post anything. If that is correct, they shouldn't be a problem. I think I heard that on RinkWorks.
Is there another definition?

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