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Re: Food
Posted By: Cattibrie, on host
Date: Thursday, May 25, 2000, at 08:59:16
In Reply To: Food posted by Darien on Tuesday, May 23, 2000, at 05:28:21:

A quick thing i like to make is kind-of a melt sandwich. you need to have bread (i usually use sourdough or a bagel), cheese and sliced meat (optional).

If using a bagel, slice in half. If using unsliced bread, slice as thin or think as you like (i like really thick sourdough slices :), if using sliced bread, well use the slices!

If using meat, place meat on bread "to taste" ;). I usually use one or two layers. make sure the meat does not hang off the sides of the bread.

cover meat (or just bread) with sliced cheese, any kind. make sure to cover all meat if possible.

put the whole mess in the oven on BROIL and wait until the chese is melty and starting to bubble a little. take out of oven and let cool for a moment or two then eat.

my favorite combination is sourdough bread with slices roasted chicken breast and a good sharp swiss. i usually throw on a few extra slices to cover all the holes. :)

Catti"oh no, now i'm hungry"brie