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Re: Cursive Writing, £
Posted By: Tranio, on host
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2000, at 16:29:58
In Reply To: Re: Cursive Writing, £ posted by Wolfspirit on Tuesday, May 23, 2000, at 16:12:19:

> > I threw out all the stupid upper-case cursive letters, like the T and the F and the S and the amazingly stupid Z (not that I use an upper case Z all that much anyway) and just used the printed versions of those. It's at the point now where I don't even *remember* how to do an upper-case cursive F.
> >
> > -- Dave
> Oh, what the heck. A cursive upper-case 'F' looks like an inversion of the British pound symbol: £ turned upside down. Or like the way Ticia and Pliffilif write the number 7 in the European way -- with a horizontal hash through its middle. And I agree the cursive 'Q' is rather dumb because it looks too similar to a cursive '2'.
> Wolf "No problemo" spirit

Even when I actually used cursive, I boycotted all of the capital letters. The 'Q' was absolutely stupid. I went to school with a guy named Quenton, who actually used that annoying 2-like symbol, and frankly, whenever I saw his signature (or name atop an assignment/test/whatever), my mind's voice pronounced it "Twenton" because of the 2... er... I mean Q.
I actually learned two ways of making both the 'T' and the 'F'. First, I learned to start at the top and make a vertical line downward, then turn counter-clockwise (like a 'J'), then cross through the vertical line, and top it off with the curled line/swoosh dealy. The 'F' would then simply have a horizontal bisecting line. (Similar to Wolf's description.)
Secondly, was a more simplistic line up, line down. Like if you had to draw a skinny Eiffel Tower using only two nearly straight lines. Then it was topped the same, and likewise crossed for the 'F'.
Why two ways? Who knows.

Tra "all printed caps all of the time" nio