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Re: Is it Christmas yet?
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Monday, March 1, 1999, at 19:32:49
In Reply To: Re: Is it Christmas yet? posted by Issachar on Monday, March 1, 1999, at 10:42:35:

Hmm... I've always shunned Celerons a bit. Last time I checked (which was, admittedly, quite a while ago) they didn't carry a cache or anything... in fact, the whole concept rather bothers me. Now Intel has an option other than lowering the prices on Pentiums: sell lower-quality product. I mean, as a marketing strategy, it's brilliant. It just irks me.

Have they improved the Celerons any? If they haven't, I may be more inclined to dodge them like seventeen kinds of plague.

> > Dar "Font of pointless babbling" ien
> Iss "font of Times New Roman" achar

I came *this* close (holds up two fingers) to saying that last time, but I figured the joke needed to be more firmly established first. So I figured I'd wait and get back to it if you didn't beat me to it (which, obviously...)

Dar "I'll get you for this!" ien

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