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Re: inappropriate content
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Monday, May 22, 2000, at 18:16:50
In Reply To: Re: inappropriate content posted by Darien on Monday, May 22, 2000, at 17:53:28:

> > > > The possums in NZ are the species called brushtailed possums in Australia
> > >
> > > Hehee. Sam, your inappropriate content filter rules. Just try posting a message about brushtailed possums and see how many people get offended. ;-)
> > >
> > > Brunnen-"had to take the hyphen out of brushtailed"G
> >
> > During one of the discussions over soda, I tried to make the comment "glašš kicks..." However, it was found to be inappropriate.
> > Evidently, RinkWorks must be largely advertised by makers of plastics or aluminum.
> >
> > Tra "using international characters to be sneaky" nio
> Along the same lines, I've had several conversations both here and in chat about "rascal swords." I'll leave it as an exersize for the reader to figure out what kind of sword that really is. ;-}

When I was in high school, you could get in deep trouble if you used cuss words. So we invented a new word that nobody else would know as a cuss word. But we knew what it meant. Unfortunately, a few teacher figured it out from context. That was the end of that.

And no, I'm not going to tell you what it is. I don't want it on any inappropriate lists.