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Re: Living in the 1950's
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Monday, May 22, 2000, at 17:27:45
In Reply To: Living in the 1950's posted by Grishny on Monday, May 22, 2000, at 08:06:25:

You're right. The Packard certainly did appeal to me. I saw the picture of the lady sitting on the hood. Don't try that with a modern car.

As for the '50's, I remember having a lot of fun.
I was standing on the porch of a small hotel on US-1 in Fort Pierce, Florida, at midnight when 1949 became 1950. We lived there. My father was the manager. I was 16 and still in high school. Before the decade was over I had moved to Tennessee, graduated from HS and college, gotten married, served in the army, had one child and began teaching 7th grade science and English. There were tough times, heartbreaks and setbacks, but mostly I remember having fun. I rather liked the '50, and when I get my time machine finished, I'm going back with what I know now, my truck, and my scooter. I think I'll take a few bucks of present-day money. It would be a fortune back then!
> This local website did this test project on a local family, having them live for one week as if they were back in the early 1950's, eliminating all of the conveniences of modern technology. They even went so far as to take away their vehicles and gave them a vintage 1948 Packard for the week instead. (thought that tidbit might interest Howard.) The wife kept a week-long journal of their experience,and I found it a very interesting read--especially since I know this woman; she used to join our high school band for concerts, playing the cymbals.
> Grishny