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Re: Adventures on the Kobayashi Maru ;-)
Posted By: Speedball, on host
Date: Sunday, May 21, 2000, at 21:20:59
In Reply To: Re: Adventures on the Kobayashi Maru ;-) posted by Brunnen-G on Sunday, May 21, 2000, at 16:40:00:

> > Yikes. Ok, so I won't complain about my weekend sunburn so much now.
> >
> > >Oh yeah, and bonus points for anyone who knows >what the title of this post refers to. ;-)
> >
> > The Kobayashi Maru is/was a test cadets must take at Starfleet Academy. The "secret" of the test was that it was impossible to "win"--it was a test of courage, leadership, and decision making under impossible odds. Only one cadet ever "beat" the Kobayashi Maru, and that was our hero, James T. Kirk. Of course, he only "won" because he was a cheater, and he reprogrammed the simulator to allow a cadet victory, because he "didn't believe" in no-win situations. This was all in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
> >
> > Am I right?
> >
> > -- Dave
> That's the one. So OK, Kirk could do the lateral thinking thing, he's still a slimeball cheat. Would a Klingon do something like that? I think not.

If a Klingon thought he was in a no-win situation he would ram the enemy ship. It isn't a defeat if you die with honor.

I belive Kirk was also the first person to ever attempt to re-program the Kobayashi Maru, so he got points for being original.
