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Re: Happy Birthday LYNETTE! (a.k.a Unipeg)
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Friday, May 19, 2000, at 20:33:28
In Reply To: Happy Birthday LYNETTE! (a.k.a Unipeg) posted by Byron on Friday, May 19, 2000, at 16:16:21:

> Happy Sweet 16th Birthday Uni! I don't know your e-mail address and I really wanted to send you an e-card, and then, while I was struggling on my AP BIO test today, this dawned on me! SOO sorry it's a day late, but......
> Love
> Byron

Oh, Byron, you weren't there for the announcement in Chat, but... due to concern shown both by unipeg and her parents, she won't be here(?) or in Chat until about 6/18. However, her preferred email address for e-cards is the same as her AIM sn followed by I don't know if e-mail is included in this temporary restriction, but I would go ahead and send one(if I hadn't already done so) just in case that's not off-limits.
